Phil Libin, CEO of Evernote
I really like Phil Libin, especially his argument for alignment of interest. He claims that interests of shareholders, employees, partners, and customers should be aligned to build a lasting company. That is the reason Evernote does not have any indirect revenue (i.e. advertisement). Because the moment you have ads, shareholders want more, customers want less. Also you want 3rd party developers to build great products on top of your service, but you do not want them to steal too much traffic. The notion of alignment is really worth thinking about. Is there alignment of interest in hospitals? No, doctors make more money if you return. Universities? No, students want better lectures, but professors are judged by their research.
Anyways, besides that point, Phil Libin's talks are usually interesting. However, they are heavily repetitive, so watching this one would be enough.
I chose this one that I just watched b/c it is quite current and the interview series on is worth checking out. The interviewer is always the same guy, Kevin Rose who co-founded Digg.